Friday, March 7, 2014

Kindergarten Readiness

Parents should work on the following skills to build readiness at home.
 Reading Skills:  know the letters of their first name, know concepts of print- where to begin reading, where the cover of the book is, that print begins at the top of a page and goes to the bottom and from the left to right.  Parents should provide opportunities to listen to a variety of texts.  Reading  to your child each day will provide many literary experiences for your child.
Math concepts include learning 11 basic colors (red, blue, yellow, green, orange, purple, pink, black, brown, white, gray), know 8 basic shapes (square, triangle, rectangle, circle, oval, star, heart, diamond), sorting objects by their color, counting to 20, matching objects to numerals to 5, and figuring out which object doesn't belong.
Socially children should be exposed to a variety of social situations that provide opportunities to interact with peers similar in age, and be able to listen and follow directions to another adult other than a family member.  Sunday school, story time at your public library and preschool are beneficial social opportunities for your child.
Self Help Skills - Children should be potty trained before going to school. Zipping, buttoning, tying shoes, putting on their own coats and taking care of their own needs.

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